To push app updates directly from App builder, you need to follow the given steps:
Step 1: Log in to your Graphy dashboard.
Step 2: Click on Website and Apps icon from the left navigation bar.
Here you’ll get an App Update option.
The option to update the app would come to when either you make a change in app customization or when Graphy would pushes an update.
Step 3: Click on ‘Update Now’ and wait for the build to be created.
Step 4: Once the build is created, Click on ‘Publish’ updates:
You can download the APK File to test the update.
Step 5: A window will pop up to upload the service account .json.
Step 6: Follow this article on how to upload the service account .json- How to create Service Account json file
Step 7: Add release notes and click on ‘Update my App’
Note: Here you can choose to: Force these updates on your learners. This makes it mandatory for your learners to update the app to use it.
Note: The build history would show all your app builds so far. You cannot downgrade the app version. You can only upgrade from a current version or the version that has been pushed for a update.
Step 8: Click on ‘Update.’
After pushing the update, the App will be in review by Google, and you will get an email once the app is approved and live.
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