Log in to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com with the registered account owner’s apple developer account.
Navigate to the ‘Users and Access’ section
Navigate to ‘Keys’ sub-section and follow step 4 and 5 for accounts creating keys for the first time, jump to step 6.
Click ‘Request Access’ and click ‘Request Access’ in the prompt that opens up.
Click ‘Generate API Key’, skip step 6.
Click ‘+’ icon alongside ‘Active’ heading.
Provide a reference name for key, e.g. ‘Graphy iOS Development’, select ‘Admin’ from Access dropdown and click ‘Generate’ button.
Copy ‘Issuer ID’ and ‘Key ID’ for the newly generated key and refresh the page.
Click ‘Download API key’ to download key (.p8 file)
Reference Link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/creating_api_keys_for_app_store_connect_api
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