Upon logging into your App Store Connect account, visit the ‘My apps’ section.
- Select your app.
Uploading build and testing App:
Adding testers to TestFlight:
The users you add here will be able to test your app from TestFlight.
1. Navigate to ‘TestFlight’ sub-section under ‘Apps’ section.
2. Create new Internal Testing group by clicking + icon alongside Internal Testing in left panel and provide a reference name.
3. Click + icon against ‘Testers’ heading and select users to share app from list and click on ‘Add.’
Downloading app for testing:
Once added as tester, respective tester/user will receive TestFlight link download uploaded build.
In order to download app:
- Download TestFlight app on device from AppStore.
- Open shared TestFlight invite link received in email.
- Accept invitation and Install App.
Preparing App Version for Submission:
1. Add Screenshots for iPhone 6.5” Display, iPhone 5.5” Display, iPad Pro (3rd Gen) 12.9” Display and iPad Pro (2nd Gen) 12.9” Display.
2. Add ‘Description' for the application and comma-separated keywords for the app under ‘Keywords.’ Please note that space-separated values are considered as a single keyword.
3. Under ‘App Review Information’ Sub-Section:
a. Tick ‘Sign-in required’ and update the demo account details.
b. Update ‘Contact Information’ with your First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email.
4. Scroll to the top and click on ‘Save’ to save section information.
Adding Pricing and Availability Information:
1. Untick ‘Make this app available' under ‘iPhone and iPad Apps on Apple Silicon Macs’ sub-section.
Adding App Privacy Information:
1. Click on ‘App Privacy' in the general section.
2. Click ‘Get Started’ to enter privacy policy details:
a) Under ‘Data collection’,
- Mark ‘Yes, we collect data from this app.’
- Click ‘Next.’
b) Under ‘Contact Info’ sub-section:
- Select ‘Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.’
c) Under ‘User Content’ sub-section:
- Select ‘Photos or Videos.’
d) Under ‘Identifiers’ sub-section:
- Select ‘User ID’ and ‘Device ID.’
- Select the ‘Purchases’ sub-section.
e) Under the ‘Usage Data’ sub-section:
- Select ‘Product Interaction.’
f) Under ‘Diagnostics’ sub-section:
Select ‘Crash Data.’
Click on ‘Publish.’
Set Up ‘Data Types’ as follows:
For the ‘Name’ category, click ‘Set Up Name’ and:
1. Select ‘Analytics, Product Personalization and App Functionality,’ and click on ‘Next.’
2. Select ‘Yes, names collected from this app are linked to the user’s identity’ and click on ‘Next.’
3. Select ‘No, we do not use names for tracking purposes’ and click on ‘Save.’
Similarly, for Email Address, Phone Number, Photos or Videos, User ID, Device ID, Purchases, Product Interaction and Crash Data categories, click on Set Up <category name>’ and:
1. Select ‘Analytics, Product Personalization and App Functionality,’ and click on ‘Next.’
2. Select ‘No, <category name> collected from this app are not linked to the user’s identity’ and click on ‘Next.’
3. Select ‘No, we do not use <category name> for tracking purposes’ and click on ‘Save.’
NOTE: <category name> is a placeholder for individual category names such as email address, phone number, etc.
Scroll to the top and click ‘Publish’ to publish app privacy details.
Adding In-App Purchases:
After updating App Privacy, you need to create ‘In-App Purchases’ for your learners to be able to purchase courses on your iOS app. You can refer to the knowledge base article below for in-app purchases.
Selling courses on iOS with in-app subscriptions
NOTE: The first ever in-app purchase for the app must be selected, once the above steps are completed, under the ‘In-App Purchases’ sub-section in the current ‘iOS App Version Submission page’ to send for review.
Any new in-app purchase afterward doesn’t require this additional step to be performed. Refer screenshot below.
Selecting Build for Version Release:
After preparing the app version for submission, scroll down and select the respective build under ‘Build’ following steps below:
1. Click on ‘Select a build before you submit your app.’
2. Select the respective build from the list as available in TestFlight.
3. Click on ‘Done.’ Then, scroll to the top and click on ‘Save.’
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