You need to set up your own account on
Please log in if you are not logged in to your Facebook account.
Click on 'Get Started' or 'My App' on the top right, if you've clicked on 'Get Started' fill in all required details.
Click 'Create App'.
Click on 'Consumer' for the type of app and then click on 'Next'.
Then provide information regarding your app name and add the email id linked to your Graphy account. After this, you can click on 'Create app'.
Alongside your app's name and email id, you'll now need to add URLs for privacy policy and data deletion.
📒 Note: On your Graphy dashboard, go to the ‘Design’ section and then go to the ‘Website’ tab. Click on ‘Themes’ that are published, and you’ll find the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use pages live on your website.
Click on 'yourself or your own business' as the purpose of this app and then click on 'Save changes'.
Go to the 'Facebook Login' section and click on the 'Set up' tab under that. If this is not visible, click 'Dashboard' from the left menu and scroll a little bit down.
Add the website URL and enable the toggle for 'Login with the JavaScript SDK'.
Then click on 'Save changes.'
Then you can choose the platforms you want to enable social login on. You'll see a 'Select Platform' option.
Enable Facebook login for Website
To enable social login for your website click on the 'Website' check box. After that simply add the URL of your website and 'Save changes'.
Enable Facebook login for Android
Click on the 'Android' check box and select 'Google Play' as the Android store of your choice.
📒 Note: Generate the Key hash by referring to the end section of the article that tells you how to generate SHA1
Then paste the generated Key hash and 'Save changes'
Enable Facebook login for iOS
Click on 'Add platform' and then click on the 'iOS' checkbox.
After that simply add your Bundle ID. Then click on 'Save changes'.
📒 Note: Make sure to use the Bundle ID associated with your app on iTunes connect
Make the app 'Live' by simply turning the toggle.
To finally enable your social login, go to the 'Settings' section and click on the 'Advanced' tab under it.
Then on the Graphy Dashboard go to Settings > Signup and login > Enable allow login with Facebook
Then copy-paste your 'Client token' onto your Graphy dashboard. Add your 'Facebook App Id' and your 'Facebook Client Access Token' and then click on 'Save'.
Please release Android and iOS apps after completing these steps.
This is how you can generate SHA1
Login to your play console account" style="-webkit-user-select: auto;">" style="-webkit-user-select: auto;"> click on the app you want to configure.
After selecting the app, click on 'Setup', and 'App integrity.'
Then click on 'App signing' and copy the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint.
Generate Keyhash
Copy SHA1 which was generated from Generate SHA1. Then Open
Paste SHA1 and click on 'Convert.'
Click OK on the alert. Then Copy Keyhash.
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