Once you have set up your membership you can edit the details under Edit Membership.
As a membership super admin, you have all access to edit-
Pricing - It will help you modify your subscriptions and add a discount for your members.
Benefits - It will allow you to introduce special offers.
Members - It will help you manage admins and learners from a single space.
Membership status - It will allow you to activate and deactivate your membership.
View Reports - It will help you evaluate the number of sales and progress of your membership.
Edit Membership
Go to Dashboard > click Edit membership.
Yearly subscription
To add a discount to your Yearly subscription, tap on Set discount.
Now enter an amount under Discount %.
Monthly subscription
To add a discount to your Monthly subscription, tap on Set discount.
Now enter an amount under Discount %.
Note: You can enable either of the subscriptions by tapping off the toggle button in front of them.
Now click Save to keep the changes.
Now pitch your membership under the Communication section.
To edit your cover image go to the image icon. And select an image from your desktop.
To offer more benefits to your subscribers select +Add more benefits. Enter the benefit and click Save.
Note: Limit to add benefits is up to 5.
Now you have enabled an option for Super admins to manage members and a group chat option.
Under Members & members chat > click Manage members.
You will be redirected to the Users dashboard.
Here you can add sub-admins to your membership.
To add a sub-admin go to Admins. Then on the top right corner tap +Add.
A form will appear on the screen. Fill in the necessary details such as the Name, email id, contact number, and password of the user. Also, to notify the user, click Send email to the user.
Under Select role, select Sub-admin.
Then scroll down to Memberships and chat. Click the checkbox to give the edit membership and group chat access.
And click Add to save.
Your user will get added to your membership as a sub-admin.
Enable member chat
So as a super admin you can decide whether to keep the member chat enabled or disabled.
To enable or disable the member chat click on the toggle button.
Membership status
Now as a membership admin you have access to Membership status. You can control your new as well as old membership subscriptions.
To keep your membership status active keep both the toggle buttons off.
To disable the new subscriptions enable the Stop new subscriptions toggle button.
Important: When All the new subscriptions will be enabled, only existing members will be able to renew the subscriptions.
To disable all the subscriptions enable the Stop all subscriptions toggle button.
Important: When Stop all subscriptions will be enabled, even the existing members will not be able to renew their subscriptions.
View Reports
Now analyzing the membership sales report on the Graphy platform has become easy.
Go to your Graphy Dashboard > Reports > Sales.
Under Transactions, click filter by product. Select Membership under Product and click Apply.
And your sales report will appear under the dashboard.
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