Once you have created your course, the next step is to market it. In the Graphy platform itself, there are several in-built marketing features. This article takes into account "Promo Codes" and explains how to create one in detail.
Promo Codes are the uniquely generated discount codes using which students can buy your courses at a discounted rate.
Steps to use Promo Codes feature
Visit your Dashboard > Marketing > Promo Codes.
Generating New Promo Codes
Click on the "New" button to add new Promo Codes.
Now, fill in the details as explained below.
First Purchase Only: Check this box if you want this code to be used only when the user is making their first purchase.
Example: If a learner has purchased a course already, he can't use this promo code while making a second purchase, and so on.
Suggest on Checkout Page: Check this box if you want to suggest this code to the learners on the checkout page who are making a purchase of the respective course/package.
Code: Specify the promo code here.
Example: A combination of words & numbers like "ENG156".
Number of Codes: Specify how many codes do you want to generate.
Description: A description is used to describe the usage & the type of affiliate code majorly for the record.
Example: If your promo code is "ENG156", then you might describe its purpose, usage and what "ENG156" stands for.
Course/Package: Specify the course or package where this code would be applied.
Example: If you specify your promo code "ENG156" to be used for the "Physics" course, then someone purchasing a "Maths" course wouldn't be able to redeem it.
Choose Currency: Choose the default currency such as INR.
Discount Percent: Specify the discount percent applied while using this promo code. The maximum discount percent that can be applied is 90.
Example: If the course price is Rs. 1000 & you want to sell it for Rs. 800, then you have to give the discount of 200. Here 200 is the 20% of original course price. Hence, the maximum discount percent would be 20.
Maximum Discount Value: Specify the maximum discount value that a user can avail of while applying this promo code.
Example: If the course price is Rs. 1000 & you want to sell it for a minimum of Rs. 800, then you have to give the discount of a maximum of 200. Hence 200 becomes your maximum discount value.
Minimum Cart Value: Specify the minimum purchase value under which the user can avail of this.
Example: If you put in Rs. 5,000 as the maximum cart value, then someone with the total purchase of Rs.5100 won't be able to avail of the discount.
Valid Till: Specify the date on which the validity period ends.
Example: If you want this Promo Code to expire on 02/01/2020, then enter this very date. If someone is using the code on 03/01/2020 then he won't be able to avail of the discount.
Max Use Count: Number of times this promo code can be used.
Example: If you want only the first 10 users to avail of the discount then set the number to 10.
Max Use Count by the single learner: Maximum number of times a single account can use this Promo Code.
Example: If you don't want an individual learner to use this promo code more than twice, fill the number as "2". Beyond twice, this Promo Code would stand deactivated for this learner.
Link Promo Code to Affiliates
If you have an affiliate, you can link the particular promo code with the specific affiliate. These promo codes would work like affiliate codes using which learners can sign up & get discounts on courses.
Please note that If you don't have an affiliate program, you can skip this option.
After filling in the above information, click on "Save".
Search Promo Codes
Once you create new "Promo Codes" you can view all the details of your promo codes in one place.
You can directly "Search" the status of any promo code by providing the promo code & its course name to narrow down the search results.
Enter the details in the "Code" and/or "Course/Package" fields and click on "Search".
Edit the Promo Codes
You can make changes to the Promo Codes that you have created till date. Go to the Promo Code that you want to Edit. Under "Actions", click on the "Edit" icon to make changes to any of the information that you entered while generating the Promo Code.
Deactivate the Promo Code
Deactivating the code would make it non-functional, which means no new purchases can be done using this Promo Code.
Go to the Promo Code that you want to deactivate. Under "Actions", click on the "deactivate" icon to deactivate the Promo Code.
A new question will pop up asking "Do you really want to deactivate the Promo Code?". Select "Ok" & the Promo Code will be deactivated.
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