This article teaches you how to set up a Practice Quiz/Test in your course.
A Quiz is usually a short test. It is an interesting and engaging way for learners to better understand the nuances of the course. Learners can attempt it at any time and view instant results.
Steps to Create a Quiz
Log in to the platform and click on the Courses available in the left navigation. Now click on the Course tab. Open your course in Course Builder and click on create a new item, then select "Quiz". Now enter the title, time limit & no of attempts allowed to get started.
Title- This contains the title of the Quiz, under which the Quiz would be published.
Example: If the Quiz is based on the "Para Jumbles" Chapter, you can keep the title as "Test Your Para Jumbles knowledge".
Time Limit- Determine the maximum time taken by learners to finish the test. If you want limitless timing, then you can choose zero.
Example: If you want to give not more than 60 min to your learners to attempt a test, you put 60. In 60 minutes, the quiz will be automatically submitted.
No. of Re-takes Attempt- You can give liberty to the learners to attempt a quiz multiple times. Just select the number of times you want to allow them to attempt the quiz. You can leave this space blank if you don't want to restrict the number of times they appear.
Example: If you want to give your learners 3 attempts to take up a Quiz, you put 3. The learners will be able to attempt the same Quiz maximum of 3 times. Beyond that, the option to attempt that test will be gone.
Another Language Support: If you want to enable the quizzes in another language, choose one of the given languages.
Automatically choose random questions based on pre-defined filters- If you want the system to shuffle the questions and give learners a different set of questions every time they take the test, then you can opt for this option.
After filling in the above information, click Submit.
You will be redirected to a page where you have to enter more details.
Title: The title that you entered on the previous page would be shown here. You can edit the title here as well.
Tags: Select the tag under which you want to mark this particular quiz. It helps with the segregation of topics.
Time Limit: The Quiz Time Limit that you entered on the previous page would be shown here. It is editable.
The number of Re-take Attempts: The no. of allowed attempts that you entered on the previous page would be shown here. You can edit this option here as well.
Show Instructions: If you want to enable the default instructions here, click on "Yes - Default instructions".
After the above changes, click on "Save".
Click here to learn how to add questions to a Quiz.
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