Bandwidth is the data that gets consumed as per learners' usage.
How to Check Bandwidth and Usage
Go to your left navbar> Reports > Bandwidth & Usage.
Bandwidth Utilization
This determines the total data consumed by the learners in watching videos on your course platform.
You can see the bandwidth usage results for different time periods like 7 days, 30 days, 90 days and 1 year.
Daily Bandwidth Usage
Scroll down & view your daily bandwidth usage for the period you have chosen. Date-wise usage used is shown in the form of a Bar Graph.
Please note that your daily Bandwidth usage is updated every 30 minutes.
Active Users
The line chart below illustrates the daily active users, allowing you to track the overall trend of active users on your platform over time.
Device-wise usage split
It displays how usage is distributed across different devices over time.
Usage Split across devices
It shows a different visualization of usage across devices. By showing the proportion of usage across devices, indicating which device is most commonly used.
Courses with highest engagement
It shows which courses receive the most user engagement, allowing users to identify popular content.
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